Kevin Berwald
CMO, National Sales Manager
“It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.”
– Napoleon Hill
My Story
Kevin Berwald began developing the skills and experience he shares with you over thirty five years ago when he, on a whim, took an interview with an insurance company for a wholesaling job. That interview has led to a career in both wholesale and retail sales, marketing, and leadership where Kevin has been a perennial top sales professional, Sales Manager, National Sales Manager and Consultant for some of the industry’s greatest insurance and financial organizations and sales professionals. Kevin’s training and coaching ethos, that he shares with you, is based on a personalization mindset that helps professional sales organizations, teams and individuals create and utilize Focused Sales and Intentional Client Acquisition Processes to reach new heights in capturing intentional market share. Kevin, along with the resources of Catalyst 4 Growth, offers insight, coaching and training from decades of success in personal sales, building sales organizations and helping others build and grow their own sales and marketing organizations, from a local to a national footprint.
Kevin, his wife, and two sons live in Grosse lle, Michigan where they enjoy boating and fishing on Lake Erie, playing golf, hunting, raising honey bees on their farm and are members of Church of The Way. Kevin attended Olivet College where he received four varsity wrestling awards and was Co-Captain his senior year.
Anchored by the core tenet that "the quickest road to success is helping others to succeed,” Catalyst4Growth best serves sales professionals and organizations that:
In growth mode and are at a point where they need to develop or refresh their sales process, client acquisition processes, and/or marketing plan.
Have plateaued or stalled out their market share and need to re-evaluate their sales and client acquisition processes to take back and grow market share.
Have specific needs to address related to sales training, motivation, leadership, communication strategies, goal setting, recruiting, tracking, reporting, etc.
Many of our best client relationships have been related to:
Sales Organizations with multi-levels of sales management
Wholesale and Marketing distributors of financial and insurance products
Independent Broker-Dealers and Banks
RIAs and Financial Professionals seeking both business growth and life's balance
Please accept our free gift to evaluate your current processes and identify where a catalyst might be utilized to help you reach new heights by completing our "C4G Evaluations & Top Catalyst Recommendation" tool found on our Resources page.
Contact Kevin or one of our associates today to schedule a discussion to review your results or discuss other needs and possible next steps.