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“There is no more profitable investment than investing in
yourself. It is the best investment you can make; you can never go
wrong with it. It is the true way to improve yourself to be the best
version of you and lets you be able to best serve those around
― Roy T. Bennett, “The Light in the Heart”
We believe that the best path to success is in helping others to become successful, so please feel free to use, for your own purposes, any of the resources we have created and or gathered over the years in this area of the website. They should be useful to establish successful distribution and hone individual professional/personal skills. Contact us if you have an item you think would be beneficial to others and we will consider adding it to the library. We reserve the right to add our “secret sauce” to these resources to make their delivery more compelling and customized to the audience that aligns with us. We will give credit to and cite where the items originated.
Please check back regularly as we continue to add to our resources tab whenever we uncover new Big Ideas and timely information. The “What We Read” section grows on a regular basis. We look forward to discussions with you as to how these and many other items not listed here can be customized and used by you as Catalysts 4 Growth to you and your organization.
Kevin has a great story, from running a successful financial services company to helping other professionals through Catalyst4Growth. We talk about how his book is now adding more and more value in developing that business and how a book is a perfect partner to one of their most successful strategies, helping people create a compelling professional biography for referral success.
Together, we delve into the psychology behind a book's authority, how this same authority translates into an authoritative biography, and how the right resources can make the writing process efficient and affordable.